There are numerous pronunciations used for this name but the two most popular pronunciations for this name are neh-VAY-uh and nuh-VAY. Due to pronunciation difficulties it is often misspelled Neveah, switching Heaven's e and a. Other spelling variations such as Naveah are also used to make the name more phonetically usable.
Niamh (be it "NEEV", "NEE-av", or however else it is pronounced... but not "NEE-am-ah")
How do you pronounce the baby girls names Nevaeh and Niamh?
kate3 is cute but cut tha louise
Reply:Niamh is an Irish name usually pronounced Neeve. I'm pretty certain that Neveah was only made up recently, it's "heaven" backwards.
Kate Louise is nice, though Louise is a very common middle name. (It's my middle name for a start!)
Reply:Nevaeh - NAH-VAY-AH second one= no clue
Reply:Dont know about the 1st but the second is definately pronounced Neeve.
Reply:Those are both horrible names. Kate is okay, but Katelynn is even better. Kate is too plain and short.
Reply:Niamh is pronounced NEE-uv. I think it's a nice name
Reply:Am glad you won't use either name because Kate is a very cute name. You can always use Kate as a nickname for Katelynn or Katerina or Katelin.
Reply:Nevaeh- Nev-ee-uh
Niamh- Nee-aum
May I suggest not using these names? They're confusing and s bit too out there. And Nevaeh's too common.
Good luck!!
Reply:Kate is a beautiful nickname. I don't think I'd use it as a given name. Katherine, Katelyn, Kathleen, Kathlyn all very nice options.
Nevaeh.. I think Ne-vay-ah. A good middle name for this would be Lleh, pronouced Lee.
Reply:Nevaeh= niv- e- ahh
Niamh= Nie- am- ahh
Reply:I lOVE NEVAEH!!!! (i dont know how to pronounce the other one... so im a little confused..on that one!) Both are unique and diffferent...I love it!!!
Reply:well nevaeh is heaven spelled backwards...(ne-vae-ah) niamh (nee-om)
Reply:Nevaeh is pronounced "my name is heaven spelled backwards"
and the other one is pronounced "my parents hate me, so please bully me".
The "between the lines" message is, trendy parents with no clue.
Reply:i like Kate...Nevaeh...Nu-vay-uh
Reply:Nevaeh is Heaven spelled backwards. Neh-vay-uh. I love it! Kate is cute, and it can be used as either a first or a middle name. But I wouldn't use Katherine. It's icky and hard to spell. As for the second, I think it's icky, but it might be pronounced Nie-am. And Louise is pretty. Also you could use Kate Louisa, depending on how it sounded with your last name.
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